Monday, June 20, 2005

alcohol problems

alcohol problems
Originally uploaded by Maleaji.
I went to the health museum again today, since I was in the neighborhood, and got a clearer picture of this poster. Apparently the penalty for a DUI in Hyderabad is a 500 rupee fine. This is about $12.50, and I am scared.

I remembered that a lot of the best sayings were close to the front desk, where I couldn't take pictures, so I took some notes:

"Accidents can be prevented!

Plantain peelings on the floor causes sliping while treading upon (child slipping on banana peel. Yes, the sign said 'sliping')

Can with hot milk pouring on the body if properly not handled (child being scalded by a pan of milk)

Loose sari end catches fire due to the carelessness of the woman (woman on fire. She was apparently careless)."

Other favorites:

"fresh air: elixir of life!"

"some are born with disease, others have it thrust upon them, but most bring it on themselves with their ways of living." which is only funny if you've been reading article after article on the social ecological framework approach to health promotion.

Finally, there were two pigeons nestled together, sleeping on a painting of Hygeia. They were very cute.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno, I think that the Churchill bastardization is one of the funniest things I've seen recently...

5:22 AM

Blogger Malea said...

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3:17 PM


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